Wednesday 9 April 2008

He Said,,, I Said...

My phone rang, and although I was very busy at the time, but a 20 years old friendship entitles him a phone call with me even if I was busy...
I said: "hello,, long time, how have you been?"
He Said:" I am fine,, listen I have to tell you something, otherwise I might explode!!"
I said:" go ahead, you know you can tell me anything.."
He said:" it is something that has to stay between the two of us.."
I said:" sure thing"..
He said:" I am so much in love, I have never felt so happy in my life. When I am with her, I feel that I am flying, time with her has no meaning, we laugh for hours, and we can cry for even longer hours... "
All the time I was shocked and listening,, I have known him forever, and I have never heard him talk like that....
He continues with all the enthusiasm in the world.." the other day we spent the whole night together,, we talked non stop, we laughed, we ate and drank, we listened to music, and at the break of dawn we just hugged,, nothing more happened and nothing more will happen. The elation and happiness I felt after that night are worth a thousand and one nights of love making. Being with her is all that I want,, she is my best friend, she is the love of my life, and she is my soul.."
I said:" this is the first time since forever I feel that you finally know what love is,, congrats my dearest friend, you are head over heal in love.."
He said:" I know and all I want to do is see her happy.."
I said:" well this is too good to be true and you know it,,, what about your Wife..."
He Said:" I am not hurting her a bit,, BUT what I my love gives me, my wife failed to give me in a thousand years.. she pampers me like a doll, she laughs all the time, she does her best to make me happy..... She is everything my wife isn't!!"

I was not so shocked that he would fall in love finally,, only very few people are as lucky as to touch the feeling of true love.... But I really am so worried about him.. this lovely girl will eventually marry at a certain point,, and he will have to wake up,, not to the smell of coffee and the feeling of sunshine, but the smell of the perfume of another man steeling the love of his life on a white horse,,, on that day, he will call me, and be drunk, devastated, and crying...

I asked him not to hurt his wife at all,, it is not her fault that she is not the love of his life,, since we all marry usually for the wrong reasons..

I sat and thought of his wife,,, is she the victim here, or is she the criminal?? He said that she does not give him the care and fun that his love does...
Are soulmates are just meant to be,, star crossed lovers are meant to meet whatever their circumstances are??
I know that every human heart is meant to fall in love at least once, in search of the ultimate truth, the ultimate power, that is true love... but not many people are lucky enough to find it,,, most of them get lost on the way and take the detour that would leave them on the way of Marriage,,, and when you get there, there isn't really so much to do with the matter of soul mates,,,

Well long story put short.. A friend of mine is so much in love with another woman.. He is happy, she is happy, and in the meanwhile he is being a good husband, and a lovely father,,,, Can we consider this equation a precise one?? Can we call this picture" Picture Perfect"???

Wednesday 2 April 2008

قصة ذاك الرجل..

ذات يوم.. سأكتب قصتك يا ذاك الرجل.. سأكتب "يحكى أن" و"كان يا ما كان" وسأكتب كل ما كتب على أوراق التوت وأوراق العنب..
سأكتب عن ذاك الرجل الذي أحبته كل نساء الأرض. وركع أمامه الجمال والأنوثة وعبدته أجساد النساء.. حطم قلوباً وأدمى أخرى..
عشقه الشعر وبعيونه السحرية قيل الغزل.. بركان حبه فجر آلاف الآهات؛ وأوتار شغفه عزفت على مئات الأجساد... أذاب بكلماته جدران الجليد وانصهرت لأنفاسه سلاسل الحديد والأغلال. رجل أسعد المئات ومعه أضات السماء بآلاف النشوات... لكن..آآآآآآه
لكن وحتى هذ اللحظة لم يجدها.. بحث عنها.. فلم يجد عيناها .. لم يجد شفتاها.. ولم يجد تلك اليد التي رسمت عيناه آلاف المرات..
وذاك الجسد التي له تكونت براكينٌ وانفجارات...
سأكتب قصتك يا رجلاً أحبته آلاف النساء.. وأكتب عن قلبك الذي لم تسمح أنت لأحد أن يلمس شغافه..
ذات يوم سأكتب قصتك

Friday 28 March 2008

Those spectacular eyes..

I asked my assistant to let in the next patient, as I had my back to the door, and was wearing my surgical gloves. I said : Good Morning, how are you today." But got no answer.. As I turned my back I saw something that took me by surprise... I saw a young woman, with a magical smile, and a tender face. She has a small nose, and freckles were scattered all over her ivory skin. I looked into her eyes and once again, I was stunned. She has the most amazing pair of eyes I have ever seen,, one was brown, and the other was the sweetest blue I have ever seen,, You wouldn't believe that such a thing would be natural.
I smiled back at her, and ushered her into the dental chair, and asked again: "what is it, what is hurting you." She looked at the other young woman who came inside, and moved her hands,, and at that moment I realized why she just smiled when she came in, she was talking in sign language, and explained what was wrong with her, and the other girl told me. I corrected what was wrong with her teeth, tried my best to be as gentle as a dentist can be, and when I finished, and signed for her that we are done, and she can leave, she thanked me with a look from her eyes, that made me so speechless,, and unable to reply back.
As she left the clinic, I sat wondering at the magic of the human body,, how by losing hearing and speech from birth, this lovely girl developed a magical way of communication with her eyes and her body.. It is true what they say, that when you lose one sense the other senses get stonger.
I sat and thought how speechless I was and felt inept with this lovely girl as I tried to reply back when she thanked me for what I did to her on that day...

Those spectacular eyes will always be the eyes that taught me to be grateful for what I have.. The miracles around us are many, but we need just to appreciate them.
Love and Peace my friends.. Always

Tuesday 25 March 2008

My Extraordinary Experience..

For sometime now I have been reading about Yoga, the more I read the more I fell in love with the whole issue. On two separate occasions two different doctors advised me to practice Yoga, One was a cardiologist, when he gave up on finding a reason for the very annoying case of palpitations I had three years ago, after my father's death. The other was the specialist who treated me for my bronchial allergy, after he told me that my symptoms are over exaggerated if compared to my case of allergy!! Both pointed out clearly that I was truly stressed out! Well truly I was stressed, so to cut a long story short, I gathered my broken pieces, and tried to figure out what was stressing me, and along the way I started reading about Yoga, books, articles, talk to people who know about it, until two months ago, I took the step that I have been hindering for too long,, I took a practical Yoga course, with a professional mentor. It was one of the most stunning experiences I have had (of course after the magical experience of having a whole human being pulled out of you, aka childbirth).
Well what I want to share with you, is the Two Hour of Magical feeling I shared with a group of people practicing Yoga, when we went to the Dead Sea, that magical lowest point on earth. I have been there many times, I have seen the sea, the sun, the way the sun sets into the sea, each time I went there a feeling of awe fills my heart, I feel happy and calm and very content, but what I feel the most is the gratitude for being born, and living in the small country that owns this beautiful spot, Jordan.
Our Mentor, told us about the special energy that engulfs this place, the air we breathe there is reviving, and as it has been always known, when you are breathing right, you are happy. The most beautiful thing about Yoga, other than it puts all your bodies into harmony, it also teaches you how to breathe right, thus how to be happy.
On that outstanding Saturday, we started the breathing exercises at 4:30 pm, an hour before sunset, it was so relaxing, the asanas or Yoga positions we had were awesome. At sunset, we did Sun Salutations, which are twelve positions, and as we do them, we feel the energy of the sun blessing our bodies with warmth and health. We feel the sunshine going into our souls and we feel united with nature.
I close my eyes now, and I can remember that beautiful feeling fulfilling my body with gratitude. With every breath I took, sunshine blessed my body, energized me, and awakened my mind to a sweet truth. I woke up to the fact that happiness lies inside you, that if you have inner peace, you contain the world in your hands, and that when you have gratitude for everything around you, you are happy and everything seems to fall in place.
I look at the water, and the sun is glistening on its surface, its reflection lighting the sea like pure crystal, I am in the middle of this world, and it is true what my mentor said I am a reflection of God's art of creation on the surface of the earth..
Each time I see the sun in the morning, I am so grateful that there is beauty and warmth all around,, I smile and start my day, blocking out all the bad thoughts, only letting into my heart happiness and beauty,, After all I am nothing, but a reflection of God's beauty in the art of Creation.

Let your soul wander freely,, only then you will have internal peace.

Monday 24 March 2008

To Fall In Love

He looked into my eyes with his warm eyes, as he took my hand in his, and kept it there safe and warm, as his lips curled in what was simply a heart melting smile. A butterfly started fluttering in my stomach. My heart started dancing, I think that my face was flushing red, and I smiled in a trance, I felt I was locked into his gaze, I couldn't move, or even move my eyes away,, I didn't want to flinch my eyes, because I fear that all this would be a dream, and when I would look again I would find out that he is not there.. That all this is just a beautiful dream..
As I sit now, and remember that beautiful spring day, I can still feel that same butterfly dancing in my stomach, and I can still feel my heart dancing and I am pretty sure that my face would be flushing red,,, even now after so many years, I can get the same feelings I got that first day when we discovered that we were so deeply in love, and blessed my lips with our first kiss....
At eighty years of age, they say that your memory starts to betray you, may be it is just the aging of your nervous system, or may be it is that your brain cells are really full and overloaded, you start getting things mixed up,, Sometimes I feel that I am a bit disoriented, I see the faces of all my loved ones around me, filling my life with joy and happiness,, I know them all, but sometimes I get the names mixed up for a second or two, then the right brain cell gets to work, and I get the right name out at the right time,, I can still read with the help of my glasses, and I do that a lot, in a trial to exercise my memory.. The doctors have always said that this is the best preventive measure to delay senility or even to prevent it at all,,, But the best exercise I like the most, and enjoy doing the most, is the one where I replay in my mind those first days when we fell in love.. When I regained my trust in life and found out that there is true love, it is not something that you read in romantic novels, or a movie you watch and it leaves you crying as THE END appears on the screen.... No,,, True love exists and I have been living under its wings and its protection ever since I could remember,,
As I sit now, after millions of years away from that day, and as I close my eyes, although they sting a bit from that cataract, but the whole story replays in my mind, I can even smell him on that first day, I can hear his voice so clearly, it feels like just right now,, it feels so real.
I enjoy doing this every once in a while,, To sit back relaxed, and close my eyes, and let myself drift on the cloud of sweet memories,,, The way he holds my hand, the way he caresses my hair, and tangles its locks into his sweet fingers,, the way he whispers " I love you" on my lips as he touches them when we kiss, the way he knows exactly when I need a hug, and gives me a huge one in his strong arms, as I melt into his embrace... Those first days showed me that there is love, that soul mates do exist, it is not a fairy tale; When someone looks into the moon, and know how you feel, even if you were not together, when someone looks into your eyes, and know what you want to say; even if you are silent, when someone feels one with you, feels his soul living inside you, enjoys making you happy, and you can be your true self with him,,, then this is your soul mate,, And only very lucky people, and they are very few are those who get to find their soul mates in their life time,, You can fall in love at any time during your life, but you can find your true love only once,, and life gives you the chance to meet your true love, also only once, so you should cease the moment, and take that chance and live it to the best of your ability,, You'll find out what real happiness really is, what it is to be your true self... With your soul mate there is not pretense, no faking it, to formalities,, you are what you are, he is what he is, and you take each other and love each other for what you are.. When you have true love in your heart you'll know that it is taking care of you, you know that you are protected.... One that spring day, when he called me "My Queen" I knew that I have found out what I have been looking for all my life,, and that finally I am home.. Each night before I went to bed I said a silent prayer that this would be the real thing, and not just a spring fling, that what we have now would survive forever.. In his eyes I saw the world with brighter colors, and life seemed more beautiful,, Now millions of years away from that day, as I sit in my rocking chair, eyes closed, trying to relive those first days, I smile as I feel his hand going through my hair, holding the locks into his fingers, I open my eyes,, and ....
There he is, the man of my dreams, the love of my life, my soul mate, sitting beside me,, saying 'it seems that you have fallen asleep my love, why don't we go to bed".... I hold up my hand to touch his cheek, and my hand doesn't look eighty at all,,, I am still me,, with my thirty something years, and my love is as strong and lovely as ever,,, it seems I was having a sweet dream,,, or was it a revelation into the future,,, a revelation to tell me that when you have true love it lives forever,,,, It would never be a spring fling..

When you have love you have the greatest power in the universe inside your heart, and you are able to achieve the impossible...